2016 F150 with true duals and Mustang mufflers

Ignore my terrible welds, I’m struggling to weld stainless with this wire. Built the whole system myself though!

Those welds look like lumpy mashed potatoes

Pace said:
Those welds look like lumpy mashed potatoes

Yeah, I’m having porosity issues with the stainless wire. Haven’t had time to take them off and fix them yet.

Lex said:

Pace said:
Those welds look like lumpy mashed potatoes

Yeah, I’m having porosity issues with the stainless wire. Haven’t had time to take them off and fix them yet.

Probably using the wrong gas… need tri-mix or 98-2.

Local shop only had argon and told me it would work fine for stainless, but I’ve been hearing different things. Maybe it’s not that great.

Lex said:
Local shop only had argon and told me it would work fine for stainless, but I’ve been hearing different things. Maybe it’s not that great.

Yeah, if you’re using mig, pure argon usually doesn’t work well for stainless. I’m no expert, just a hobby welder, but maybe try adjusting the flow rate?

Same here, hobby welder too. First time with stainless wire and I’ve only had this Miller 135 for less than a year. Between feed issues and trying to lay a decent bead, it’s been frustrating.

Lex said:
Same here, hobby welder too. First time with stainless wire and I’ve only had this Miller 135 for less than a year. Between feed issues and trying to lay a decent bead, it’s been frustrating.

I hear you. I’ve never liked mig much either. Moved on to tig after a while. You could try cleaning up the welds with tig if you have access to one.

You could try flux core wire?

Sam said:
You could try flux core wire?

I have a roll of .030 stainless flux core. Tried it before but had issues with the welder. Now that I’ve fixed some problems (like a misaligned feed wheel and gun), I might give it another go.

Sam said:
You could try flux core wire?

That could work. Personally, I’m not a fan of flux core.

Tate said:

Sam said:
You could try flux core wire?

That could work. Personally, I’m not a fan of flux core.

Yeah, same. But for outdoor exhaust work, it does the job.

Pace said:
Those welds look like lumpy mashed potatoes

Looks like clay you’d play with in art class

Pace said:
Those welds look like lumpy mashed potatoes

Pretty standard muffler shop welds to be honest

Honestly, all I can see are those welds!

Paxton said:
Honestly, all I can see are those welds!

I know… they’re pretty rough, I mentioned that in the post :sweat_smile:

How’s it sound though?

Indigo said:
How’s it sound though?

Here’s a video:

Come on, we need a video. Let’s hear it!

Rowan said:
Come on, we need a video. Let’s hear it!

Yeah, should’ve added it in the first post :joy: but here it is: