I followed the instructions from the F-150Lightning forum:
Glare-free (matrix) headlights (localized dimming of brights based on surrounding traffic): Successful Lariat ER with 5/5/22 build date. The necessary hardware is available in my Lariat ER trim. The swiveling (dynamic bending) lights continue to work with these settings. Settings were adapted from this F150gen14 ICE forum thread. Also thanks to @FlasherZ and
I am having issues with my ‘24 Lariat in accessing the IPMA (as built) module in FORScan. Anyone else having this issue? Can’t seem to get it working without that access. I was able to change my mirrors to only fold out when I start the car because I go in and out of my truck a lot and don’t want to burn the motors out. I also increased the momentary blinker rate from 3 blinks to 6. Those worked. Any advice or suggestions? Thank you.
How do you mean? The color of the headlight must be white with the encased A to show matrix is enabled. If it’s green, then matrix isn’t being used.
Again, for Canadians, the option to enable/disable Matrix doesn’t exist without turning it on via FORSCAN.
I did this a couple months back. I did not use the “Beta” I just downloaded the newest non beta forscan available online.
The IPMA (as built) loaded up for me.
Can you post a screenshot of what error you are getting.
You have the cheap FORScan adaptor. You need to buy the more expensive ones (Vlinker or OBDLink) that support the higher bit rate needed to program the module.