CarPlay craziness

It happens to me when I get out of the teuck with my phone in my pocket and go far enough to break the connection and the truck is still on.

I’ve narrowed to down to this.
It’s still annoying. But other than that, it’s flawless.

If my wife plugs in to charge her phone it always seems to turn off wireless CarPlay. If she unplugs the truck will search for wireless. Not sure if it’s a power save issue or just with our iPhones.

I have this issue as well.

I’ve had it happen a couple times. This is a pretty common complaint with lots of different manufacturers, so it may be something on Apple’s side. The wireless connection is WiFi, so it should be reasonably stable (it’s possible the audio is still going over Bluetooth, which would explain some things, but I don’t know the internal design of Wireless Carplay).

I had better results just connecting via USB. Not as convenient, for sure. I’ve gone back to wireless and it’s been good for the last few weeks -knock on wood-.

Whatever you do, be careful if you decide to disable wireless carplay. Getting it to work again can be a chore of resetting various settings on phone and infotainment both, and praying.

Strange, I would think with the control Apple has the performance would be better with CarPlay. As an Android guy here I have zero issues with wireless AA anymore. Could be I’m lucky I guess…

I just get in… disconnect and reconnect ACP… it just doesn’t work unless I do this

It’s common in every auto maker that has wireless CarPlay

Toby said:
It’s common in every auto maker that has wireless CarPlay

No it’s not. My Hyundai connected every time. Never even thought about. Our Mach-E both wired and wireless has nothing but connection issues. It’s fords half assed software

Wynn said:
I have a rental Hyundai Kona atm because Mach-E is in the shop. Car play sucks in this car too.

Exactly, ppl complain in Audi, Subaru, VW. It’s everywhere

Feeling lucky with my 23 XLT ER. I connect the cable and everything works.

Settings, phone list, click the music button to let it switch over, then click the CarPlay button. Works 100% of the time

Same issues. I tend to restart the ford sync computer once or twice and if that doesn’t work restart my iPhone 14 Pro.

No. It’s annoying. The worst is when I get in the car while I’m on a call and it jumps to Bluetooth and then CarPlay and then nothing and drops the call.

Happens to me about 1/4-1/3 of the time. Very frustrating. Was worse, got much better and now is about there.
I swipe down, hit the WiFi to turn it on. It says this’ll disconnect which I say yes. Then it’ll revert to the connect phone screen, hit the phone and the CarPlay icon and when it reconnects in 3-5 seconds, it works.

No issues so far, but only a week or so into owning it.

I took it to the dealer for this issue. They said that it is a software issue that they need to run their own diagnostics on. They fixed it after a few hours, said I could not have done it without them.

Do you have multiple phones paired to the truck? I noticed issues in our Mach E with three phones paired, and if more than one was in the car, it was flaky. Things got stable when I unpaired two of the phones.

In my Lightning, I only paired my phone, and have had zero trouble with CarPlay. (knock wood)

I disabled CarPlay and I’ve never been happier