I’m using the 7.2kW power to run a 230V, 1-phase, 3HP water well pump. When it’s running, it’s pulling about 16A (~50% of full load). I ran it for 45 minutes, and the engine kicked on almost immediately and stayed on the whole time until I unplugged the pump.
Is that normal? I thought the engine would cycle on and off instead of running non-stop.
Truck is a ‘22 XLT.
Edit: I drove about 50 minutes to get to the well pump location.
From what I’ve read, if your load is over 3600W at 240V (about 50%, or 15A@240V), the engine stays on full-time by design—at least on ‘21-‘23 models. Someone more knowledgeable might be able to confirm.
When I ran my house on it at around 75%+ load, the engine would run for a few minutes, then turn off for about 10-15 minutes. But it was 90°F outside. If it’s colder, the battery might not be working as efficiently until it warms up.