Engine running constantly in Generator Mode at 50% load… is that normal?

I’m using the 7.2kW power to run a 230V, 1-phase, 3HP water well pump. When it’s running, it’s pulling about 16A (~50% of full load). I ran it for 45 minutes, and the engine kicked on almost immediately and stayed on the whole time until I unplugged the pump.

Is that normal? I thought the engine would cycle on and off instead of running non-stop.

Truck is a ‘22 XLT.

Edit: I drove about 50 minutes to get to the well pump location.

Following—curious to see what others say.

From what I’ve read, if your load is over 3600W at 240V (about 50%, or 15A@240V), the engine stays on full-time by design—at least on ‘21-‘23 models. Someone more knowledgeable might be able to confirm.

Interesting. Hoping someone else can confirm.

When I ran my house on it at around 75%+ load, the engine would run for a few minutes, then turn off for about 10-15 minutes. But it was 90°F outside. If it’s colder, the battery might not be working as efficiently until it warms up.

This was on a ‘24, by the way.

Thanks. It was mid-50s when I was running it, and I drove 50 minutes before I got to the pump location.

Did they update the programming for the ‘24s if they behave differently?