I'm Buying a New F-150: Lessons from 250K Miles in My First One

I’m also trading in my 2017 F-150 for a new one. Pick it up this Saturday! Maybe I’m lucky, but in 200K miles, all I’ve had to replace was spark plugs/coils, water pump, and a small fuel system issue where it wouldn’t start after getting gas.

340K on a 2014 3.5 Ecoboost. Long block replaced at 190K when the timing chain slipped, but original turbos and transmission. Replaced my vacuum pump four times, had an injector misfire at high RPM for over a year. Currently replacing turbo coolant fittings and thermostat after the cold snap.

For the most part, great engine and truck. Daily driver since 38K miles. Highly recommend full synthetic every 5K—turbo filters are small.

The dog thing—too late for me. :sweat_smile: