Looking for Good Phone Mount Suggestions for 2023

Does anyone have good suggestions for a phone mount that works well? There are so many options out there and many of them seem cheap.

I really like the bulletpoint mounts. They can be a bit tricky to install, but they work really well, look nice, and last a long time.

Lennon said:
I really like the bulletpoint mounts. They can be a bit tricky to install, but they work really well, look nice, and last a long time.

I agree with that. The built right industries mounts are also great. I’ve tried both and have been happy with each.

You should check out Pro mount or built right industries for good options.

Having driven for work, I tried a lot of mounts to find the best one. This setup is incredible (link below). I use Android so I need a ‘mag safe’ case, which is just a piece of metal that lets my phone attach to the magnet charger. The charger connects so when I put my phone on the mount, it’s charging instantly.


I prefer adhesive mounts over those that clip to air vents, but you can choose either.

If you have a phone that isn’t Apple, just look up your phone model with ‘mag safe case.’ For about 20 bucks, between the mount and phone case, you can have an amazing setup.