2024 F-150 Bed Cleat?

After 20 years of owning Toyota trucks, I recently traded my 2022 Tundra with 25k miles for a 2024 F-150. I’m extremely impressed with the quality of the Ford, especially compared to the Tundra, which had continuous issues from the start.

However, I’m having trouble finding the part number for the bed cleats that fit into the mounts on the F-150. Can anyone help me out? I’ve checked parts.ford.com, but the ones I found there are listed as incompatible.

There are two versions of the cleats. I’m not sure which came first or when they changed, but some have the tie-down holes oriented vertically when the cleat is in place, while others have them oriented horizontally. Just a heads up.

Wow! I bought the same cleats that Mark Miller is selling. I got them on eBay back in 2019 for $20 with shipping. I also spent about $12 for new keys.

The cleats are the same from 2015 to 2024. I transferred mine from my 2021 model.

Here’s what you need: https://accessories.ford.com/premium-carbon-black-locking-bed-cleat-4pc-kit-1.